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d'n Fellowship

As part of our ongoing work to raise the profile of dramaturgy, the dramaturgs' network has established a new fellowship, awarding a grant of £500 to an emerging or mid-career dramaturg, to go towards their professional development.


who's it for?

In this instance we are describing emerging or mid-career as anyone who has been working, paid or unpaid, as a dramaturg for no more than 12 years.

We consider a dramaturg to be a critical collaborator in a making process, working as an outside eye in the development of performance. The award is open to dramaturgs for literary, process or movement work, but nominations must be made by peers.

where did the idea come from?

This award builds on the success of the Kenneth Tynan Award, previously won by Gail Babb, Suzanne Bell and Ruth Little, among others.


It is intended to support and encourage not only the development of the individual dramaturg to whom it is awarded but illuminate the critically supportive function of dramaturgy more widely.

what happens next?

The shortlist and winner of the inaugural d'n Fellowship will be announced soon. The shortlist and winner were chosen by a panel of industry experts: previous winner of the Kenneth Tynan Award Suzanne Bell, Dramaturg at the Royal Exchange, Manchester; dramaturg, author and d’n Board member Sarah Sigal; playwright, dramaturg and Kaite O'Reilly and Artistic Director of Tamasha, Pooja Ghai.

The winning dramaturg will participate in a live event in November 2024 contributing to the wider understanding and appreciation of dramaturgy, open to d'n members and non-members alike. The winner will also have the option to be platformed by the d’n in a way that supports their career development (e.g. giving a talk or a workshop for members, curating/hosting a panel, publishing, or editing material for publication on our blog).

In recognition of the central role of dramaturgy to theatre and performance activity in the UK, we invite donations to help cover the costs of the award and the live event. We welcome donations big and small!

Donate using PayPal

rules of nomination


  • Nominees can be anyone working, paid or unpaid, in live performance (including theatre, dance, musical theatre, circus, etc) in the UK.

  • The d'n Fellowship is designed for emerging and mid-career dramaturgs (i.e. those who have been practising for no longer than 12 years).

  • Nominations for the d'n Fellowship can be made by a theatre professional only (i.e. anyone working paid or unpaid in live performance in the UK).


  • Nominations can be made via this form. You will be asked to provide:

    • Your name and email address

    • Your nominee's name and email address

    • A brief description (max. 500 words) describing the nominee's work, their contribution to the field of dramaturgy, and an explanation as to why the nominee deserves this award

  • Alternatively, you can make nominations in audio or video format - please keep these to no longer than three minutes in length! Please email this as an attachment to with 'dramaturgs' network Fellowship Nomination' in the subject line, and include your name and email address and those of your nominee in the body of the email. 


Nominations have now closed. Look out for when nominations for the Fellowship next open!


  • Can I nominate myself?
    In the spirit of collaborative working and increasing the visibility of dramaturgy, we would like to encourage many different theatre makers to think about the value of dramaturgy, therefore we invite peer nominations. Self-nominations will not be considered!
  • Are movement dramaturgs, and dramaturgs working in other genres included?
    Yes! Dramaturgs working in any genre or type of performance are included. This includes: New writing Devised performance Musicals Dance Movement Physical theatre Visual theatre Circus Storytelling Puppetry Clowning
  • I teach dramaturgy, can I nominate a particularly promising student?
    We ask that this fellowship is specifically for dramaturgs who have been working professionally, for up to 12 years.
  • Do I need to be a member of the dramaturgs' network to nominate someone?
    No - though you're welcome to join! We welcome nominations from across theatre and movement work, from playwrights, directors, designers, etc.
  • Does the dramaturg I’d like to nominate have to be a member of the dramaturgs' network?
    No – but we hope they'll consider joining!
  • The dramaturg I’d like to nominate works outside the UK – is that OK?
    This is a fellowship specifically for dramaturgs who do the majority of their work in the UK. Please bear that in mind when making your nomination.
  • As a nominator, do I need to know how the £500 would be spent?
    No, the winning dramaturg is invited to use the money in whatever way best supports their development and doesn’t need to share details of this in advance.
  • Can I nominate more than one dramaturg?
    Yes, you are welcome to – but please submit a separate nomination form for each dramaturg.
  • Will the number of times a dramaturg is nominated affect the outcome?
    No, a dramaturg may be nominated by numerous people or just once. All nominees will be considered equally.
  • Can I nominate someone using a format other than text?
    Yes! If you'd like to make a nomination in audio or video file format, please email your submission to with 'dramaturgs' network Fellowship Award' in the subject line, and please also include your own name and the name of your nominee in the body of your email. Video or audio nominations should be maximum three minutes in length.
© dramaturgs' network 2024
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HMRC charity reference number: XT30688
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All our organisational work is done by a small group of volunteers.

If you're able to offer some financial support to our continuing work, please consider making a donation.

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