
Holbeck Dramoletts
Seeing people in their own environment, in their home, in their street, is right up mine. I’ve always been delighted by overheard fragments,

Being in-between, holding the space
I am part German and part British; I am part academic and part dramaturg; I am part theatre and part opera; I part practice, and part teach

This crisis has also highlighted another issue: theatre’s role as a public service.

What do you do, when life starts writing the play you were about to create, but on a larger scale?!

'EF's visit to a small planet'
This encouragement by the giant of home travelling Xavier de Maistre gives me some consolation and hope. Although I have foolishly wasted th

'A mis-Guide to ANYWHERE'
Since the lockdown, it seems that performance has not been locked up, waiting for our return in those temporarily empty buildings we used to

'European Dramaturgy in the 21st century. A constant movement'
Dramaturgs, since this is their modus vivendi, are good partners for creative dialogues about the unknown.

'The Need to Keep Moving'
Will those communities we wanted to engage and work with survive? Young people and old, migrants and socially marginalised men and women, ar

'Doing Time'
Do we still count weekdays and ‘holy’ days when “the time is out of joint”?

Covid-19 Lockdown Week 3, Day 7
Part of the Invisible Diaries series Week 1/Day 7 Week 1/Day 6 Week 1/Day 5 Week 1/Day 4 Week 1/Day 3 Week 1/Day 2 Week 1/Day 1...