
Fried Brains
The Māori world ako means to both teach and learn – they happen at the same time. The old idea of the all-knowing Professor filling up the e

"Diese erstaunliche englische Wand": thoughts on exile and belonging
On a good day, I feel as though I have taken my state of not-belonging, of being an outsider, and adapted it to benefit my professional prac

Pandemic Dramaturgies
When facing a crisis, we construct an ‘inner script’ in order to navigate our way through. There is a complex relationship between instinct

The Past is a Different Country
Yesterday was a tricky day. I have coped well with lockdown so far – I often work from home anyway, we have a garden with songbirds and frog

Square People
Our communities have been replaced by networks: we feel solidarity, but it is very specific to issues and situations; when we do come togeth

Thoughts for the End of the World as We Know It
How do we push for progress while still holding the space for those who are able to make art at the moment? We need to close the gap while p

Holbeck Dramoletts
Seeing people in their own environment, in their home, in their street, is right up mine. I’ve always been delighted by overheard fragments,

Being in-between, holding the space
I am part German and part British; I am part academic and part dramaturg; I am part theatre and part opera; I part practice, and part teach

This crisis has also highlighted another issue: theatre’s role as a public service.

What do you do, when life starts writing the play you were about to create, but on a larger scale?!