
Acts of joint imagination are... core to the work that happens in the process, between me as a dramaturg and the maker with whom I’m working

Today in the supermarket I noticed how physical proximity no longer has the same part in making meaning in our relationships with others. Ha

Dining Room
We are becoming adept at transforming our more limited spaces to serve lives and actions, which we are used to fitting into much more varied

Body and Space
In lockdown times, all of us in the theatre and dance world are thinking really hard (or trying not to think) about the particularity of sha

Lay Your Burdens Down Day
We’re so ‘on and available’ these days, so keen to prove even in isolation we can still be connected and productive. It wears us out. We’ve

Who is that masked man?
All these screens we are dealing with are masks, too – a rectangular mask that we hide behind and then choose what to reveal. We create avat

It's All in the Game
Gaming probably has the best chance of using VR and AR to good effect with its immersive worlds. But the gaming world really needs ethical c

Creative Accounting
Rule No.1 for Freelance Artists: Get a good accountant and organize all your receipts for them. Don't write funny #hahaiku on the back s

Staring into the mouth of a lamprey
My day ends staring into the mouth of a lamprey. I was giving feedback on a film script for an Indigenous creature feature and these were th

Sympathetic Magic
If you aren’t a little ashamed of your country’s history, then you don’t know the history of your country.