Finding Each Other after an Earthquake: Reflections on the LMDA’s Dramaturging the Phoenix Project
Excerpt from LMDA Presents: Dramaturging the Phoenix – a Special Edition, presented at our d'n20 symposium in November 2021.
The d'n Co-founders' 20th Anniversary Speech
HANNA SLÄTTNE: Today we are celebrating the Dramaturgs’ Network’s 20th birthday! The fact that we are still here, is a miracle and a...
What shapes how we shape performance?
Dramaturg is a funny word. I had been working in theatre for a long time before I understood what it meant and I'd been doing this thing...
Asian Dramaturgs Network: Expansions, Intersections and Hybridity in Dramaturgy
This panel presented how some Asian artists and dramaturgs are responding to new realities in their social, cultural & aesthetic communities
The Dramaturgs' Network goes international
A new initiative from the Dramaturgs' Network,, The International Dramaturgy Lab, is in now open for applications and proposals. It will...